Thursday, November 08, 2007

Neha is sitting up & Stand up & Scrap Layouts

Neha is 6 months old & sits up without support.

How cute is she!!!

I've started her on solids, she now eats cereals & vegetable mash. People are scaring me by saying that she is going to walk soon,lol. I'm so not ready for that right now. She has started sleeping through the night (Woohoo, lol), but she just wouldn't nap during the day, but if I take her out, she sleeps for about 2 hours in her pram. So, I' try to go out every afternoon. It is quite cold now and sometimes it is very tiring, dressing both the kids & getting them ready to go out, but Maanasa is thrilled as she gets to go to the park everyday. Maanasa & Neha have started playing together, Neha adores her sister, you should see her broad smile when she hears her sister talking:) Maanasa talks non-stop, she has started asking lots of questions.
Stand up & Scrap is finally over. I got a whooping 9 points, I know it is not much, but it means the world to me. I got it for my Week 3 layout which makes me even more happy because this LO was a totally new style for me. I learnt quite a lot about blending modes and I really put my heart & mind into making this page. This is the first contest I participated & I loved it, well, most of the times, lol. Of course it was a little stress on having a deadline & topic/concept, but I think it pushed me to explore beyond my comfort zone. Here are all the 6 layouts.

Week 2





So, what do you really think about them?