Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Why o Why?

I don't know why I keep applying for CT's. No, that's not true, I know why, I think I'm craving for recognition. I know that I scrap to preserve & cherish memories etc etc, but I also look forward to having fun, getting recognized by the other scrapper's out there & more than all that, to find out if I'm good enough. Every time I get a reject email, I get a little depressed & decide not to apply again, but the next time, I apply again. Hmm... I don't know when this is going to stop.
I'm already in some fabulous CT's & I'm quite happy about being in them. So I think I'll stop applying for time being. Of course, I'm waiting to get reject emails from 2 more, lol. I think I'll stop looking at the ads in just digitals, do you think I can do it, lol.
Ok, some new layouts:

I used Becky Vosburg's Little Miz Beauregarde Paper pack & element, available at PlainDigital Wrapper.

I love this photo of my dd & dh. I used Robin Cabana's 'Flair - paper pack & elements', available at Scrapdish.

My dd is such a happy child, we are really lucky

My dd's first bath, at the hospital, she is 1 day old in this picture, I can't believe that she's now 13 months old ):I used 'Faded Laundry Bella Byte', by Bella Gypsy Designs, available at ACOT.

My dd at 6 months. I used SaraAmarie's One Frog Two Frog Green Frog Blue Frog available at 3 Scrapateers. TFL.

I used the 'Refresh' kit by Rose Farver, available at Plain Digital Wrapper(PDW). The flowers were cut out from the background papers, the background paper is recolored to match the picture.TFL.


Unknown said...

Hugs Raji!I know how you feel about the CT's. I've applied for several and been rejected as well. But, like you, I'm on 3 really super CT's, and I'm very happy with them. Why do we do this to ourselves? LOL

Love the layouts...your DD is such a sweetie pie!

Anonymous said...

The first photograph is pretty cooool!!!